Why and How to “Shift-Left” now!
“Shift-Left” now! Why is this so important today? What will happen if you don’t focus on “Shift-Left”? What are the benefits and how can you achieve it?…
“Shift-Left” now! Why is this so important today? What will happen if you don’t focus on “Shift-Left”? What are the benefits and how can you achieve it?…
Today’s IT world is getting more and more complex. Companies are dependent on using software, which is connected to the internet. While cyberattacks spread, it is becoming a real challenge making sure, that software is truly secure. The right way to go is an industry best practice Secure Software Development Lifecycle.…
Read more about the key to secure software development here.
With the use of CI (continuous integration) and CD (continuous deployment), a software project is considered quite modern. However, when the project grows, you quickly realize that not all CI’s are the same. How complex does troubleshooting become when……
Read here how we modernized the CI solution for one of our projects called anicors.